Subject: Re: Follow Up From BID Meeting From: Leo Martinez Date: 08/22/2016 03:04 PM To: Arman Martirossian

CC: Wilshire Center BID <>, GIS Supervisor Wastewater Oscar Figueroa <>

Thank you Arman. I just sent you an Oscar an email regarding plotting out all LASAN Street receptacles divided up per BIDS citywide.

The CAO is asking for this information

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On Aug 22, 2016, at 3:02 PM, Arman Martirossian <Arman , Martirossian@laci tv . org> wrote

Attached PDF includes map of Wilshire Center BID map with plotted locations of receptacles, along with sample pictures of the types of containers within the BID. Also included the raw data PDF and Excel. Access to the map might be limited for now until we post on CleanStat website.

Hope this helps?

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Leo Martinez <leo ,martinez@laci tv . org> wrote :

Hello Mike. I'll get with staff to see if they can email you the number of containers in the grid you outlined in the email.

Regards Leo . ,

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On Aug 17, 2016, at 2:33 PM, Wilshire Center BID <mike@wilshirecenter . com> wrote :

Hello Leo,

It was nice meeting you at the BID Consortium meeting last week. Thank you for the presentation, it was very informative.

I wanted to follow up with you about getting access to the data that showed the location of all the trashcans .

I am particularly interested in Wilshire Center BID area (Wilton to Hoover and 3rd to 8th Street) .

Can you please let me know if that is something I can get access to or that you can provide me?

Thank you,

Mike Russell

Wilshire Center Business Improvement Corporation (WCBIC) mike@wilshirecenter . com

www. wilshi recenter . com f acebook . com/wilshirecenter 213-487-7003

3600 Wilshire Blvd. , Suite 1032 Los Angeles, CA 90010